Fox Trapping "Exploring The Outside Edge" DVD

Item#: 0014slater

Price: $29.99

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Fox Trapping: Exploring The Outside Edge DVD by Bruce Slater

The Red Fox has been the most sought after furbearer in the history of America. Still coveted for its fur and trapped for nuisance wildlife control, fox are a challenge and thrill to hunt and trap. In this 90 minute dvd, Bruce Slater explains time proven methods for trapping the elusive fox in both rural and urban locations. Filmed in the last great fox stronghold in the U.S., this video will increase your knowledge on trapping fox and even coyote.


Traps, tools and equipment.

Sets for fox and coyote.

Locations in urban and farmland areas.

Baits and Lures.

Winterizing sets and much much more.........

Bruce Slater is the author of Modern Mink Methods DVD and a seasoned trapper from Southeastern PA. He has been trapping for over 40 years and has thousands of animals to his credit. Check out Modern Mink Methods - Exploring the Bottom Edge DVD from Bruce as well.


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