Hal Sullivan Canine 2000 DVD #VC2000

Hal Sullivan Canine 2000 DVD

Item#: VC2000

Price: $29.99

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Canines 2000 (DVD) by Hal Sullivan
21st Century Techniques for Trapping Fox & Coyote
Canines 2000 is your video guide to success in catching fox and coyote. All aspects of canine trapping are covered in this two-hour instruction course. Canines 2000 shows you the fundamentals of trap adjustment and modification, and set construction including trap placement, trap bedding and trap covering, along with techniques for blending sets. You get an in-depth look at the two basic types of sets—the hole set and the flat set. Canines 2000 will show you how to make a variety of these sets and other special sets for taking canines. No matter what type of canine you’re after—fox, coyote or both—Canines 2000 can help you catch them. 117 Minutes DVD
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