SS Hawbaker Coyote Urine #hawcoyu15

SS Hawbaker Coyote Urine

Brand: Hawbaker

Item#: hawcoyu15

Price: $4.95

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Coyote urine. The Best Fear Remover - Fortified and condensed by evaporation. A secret method we have used for years in preparing coyote urine for trappers. This is the reason most all trappers prefer and continually use coyote urine produced by Hawbaker. It goes five times as far as ordinary fcoyote urine and is worth 10 times more. All the coyote urine we sell comes from special 100% meat fed coyotes.

A real suspicion and fear remover. Coyote come unafraid to your sets. No rain water or ammonia used. Only pure condensed urine. Beware of cheap watered down urine selling at bargain prices.

Professional trappers use gallons of our fortified coyote urine with anti-freeze added to guard against freezing in extremely weather and to hold odor longer at sets. If you have never coyote urine prepared by Hawbaker, just give it a try. You'll see a wonderful difference immediately. Use 1/2 oz. per set.

Available in 4oz. or 16oz. Squirt bottle. 

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