IN A WORLD OF WEAK HANDSHAKES, HERE'S A FINGER-CRUSHING INTRODUCTION Duke Cannon hails from a simpler time. A time when the term handyman was redundant. A time when chivalry and patriotism weren’t considered old-fashioned. When you never put the word salad next to bar. But something happened along the way. Men were encouraged to put down their lug wrenches and pick up their phones to hashtag for help. Substance was replaced by the flash of guys taking selfies. And instead of getting up before dawn to build railroads, men started going to the gym at 9 a.m. to ride pretend bicycles. As any historian worth their salt will tell you, this country was built by folks with a sense of purpose. And our purpose is simple: to make superior-quality grooming goods right here in the U.S.A. that meet the high standards of hard-working men. We value things like hard work, family, community, and bacon; we champion builders, creators, sledge hammerers, holders of doors, and fixers of toilets; and we have the utmost respect for teachers and farmers and soldiers and first responders—so it’s no wonder good folks feel right at home in Duke Cannon Country. |